Sculpture or Lord

There was a man who worshipped Lord Krishna with a devotion in the aspect of seeing his beloved Lord with his worship. He continued this for a length of time,  nothing actually happened, with Lord not showing up against his devotion.

A friend of his suggested that he's may try to worship Lord Muruga instead of Lord Krishna, he kind of agreed to the thought and replaced the idol and started to worship Lord Muruga, he had got the Lord Krishna packed and kept in the loft.

This continued for about more than two months or so,  one day he noticed that the offerings he had kept for Lord Muruga, was making its way to the loft where the old packed idols were kept. He got wild about this and saying that all the time i have been making the offerings,  you did not bother about me and now you atree steal into the offerings to my new found Lord.

He then took the idol tied a cloth around the nose to prevent this,  just at that time Lord Krishna presented himself to his astonishment and conveyed as below:

You worshipped me as a sculpture, made offerings,  the day you thought me as a person stealing the offerings made for the new found Lord, you started to think me as a person than being sculpture that was the difference between the earlier prayers and now.

Faith is the defining factor.


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