
The country decided to have demonetisation as one of the options to remove black money to a certain extent it is quite understandable that the business community is not going to support these kind of actions in any format so it is up to the common man to take adequate precautions to ensure that the action taken is materialized to the extent that the government intended to do.

The business community will always be apprehensive towards such actions taken by the government which makes them pay more of taxes and hence will avoid such by tactics demeaning the government in some form or the other.

So it is in the hands of the common man to make sure that such matters are carefully understood and also drive the market to adopt to the changes in this regard.

If we as a common man fail to understand the motive for which the government has taken such stringent steps, then we will have only ourselves to blame for the failure of such a mechanism.

The usage of online payment is one of the best methods to ensure that the money taken out of the bank goes back into the bank which means we do not use physical currency for such a transaction makes it more difficult for the business community to have the money converted as Black and who hoarded with them which reduces the circulation of the currency in the market which is printed and sent out from the bank in various methods so the more and more we use the online payment as a transaction model it will help the government and the common man in retrieving all the black money which are in various pockets in the country.

Again it is in the interest of common man to make sure that more and more people from the business community move towards online transaction and adopt E payment as one of the model and it should be our constant endeavour to make more people from the business community to adopt this and we should encourage this is a feature that shall help in strengthening the government.


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