Rental Vs Asset

We often get into a situation of whether a buy or rent depending on fluidity in hand.  In the other hand it is better to do a retrospection instead of trying to maintain the cash in hand and go for the rental which is a short term gain but huge loss in the long run.

Any such cases are largely decided by evaluating the ROI of the asset purchase such is supposed to be c within 18 months as per known management reasoning which advocates the purchase of asset against rental.

Management needs to have the vision in this aspect rather than being short sighted or the business owner who need to intervene in such scenario. Many a time we are rather having short sighted approach to the problem resulting the decision making process not following the standard approach which will have recommended the purchase against the rental in the long run yielded in the asset in place against in the rental just an open expense.

We need to have clear mind for such decision making process for the right ones.


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