Bridges – Connecting Places or Death Trap?

After the rain in Chennai, we are all aware that the roads are in pathetic condition and lot of them is re-laid as well as patched for the emergency on the main area. In the ECR road there are some roads which only the local users will be aware of which are connecting roads between the ECR and OMR.
We were just a taking a look at some of these roads and bridges which are narrow and connects these roads and bridges over the Buckingham canal which is heart of the road connecting them.
It would be pathetic to be called so; they are built of wooden planks which are surviving traffic of nearly 3000 people on an average and lot of vehicular traffic like the Share Autorickshaw, Private Auto and Minidors on a regular basis. They are a source of instant danger to anyone who does not travel in broad daylight. Also in the morning as onlooker we were watching the extent of the traffic on this and you will notice that we will have to wait to cross the so-called bridge. The bridge we are deliberating was constructed in 19.09.2006 as part of the scheme of things connecting the ECR & OMR by way of roads & bridges is Pandian Salai of Neelangarai and OMR – Thoriapakkam. This bridge has a square hole to the left of the bridge traverse while entering from the Neelangarai.
We spoke to the locals only to know that this one has been in this condition for the past two months or so and there was another one to the right of this which was still worse. We also decided to examine the bridge, only to find that it was virtually on the floor of the canal. On speaking to the locals, they were saying that it has been like this for the past few years. On checking with them they also added that the contractors were not coming forward to build these bridges in support of the local bodies functioning as they were not willing to go against them for several reasons which could affect their day-today lives as well.
We can only hope that this could serve as eye opener to those who are in relevant position to take up this job as priority and solve the difficulty of the users in this area. As if they did not use this bridge they will necessarily need to come to Thiruvanmiyur which will be long de-tour for them. They are forced for certain daily hardships along with the risk that is accompanying this issue.


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